The Kitchen cost calculator has many different options:
✔ Base Units
✔ Wall Cabinets
✔ Larder Units
✔ Cabinet Doors
✔ End Panels & Drawers
✔ Worktops
✔ Plinths, Cornices and Pelmets
✔ Door Handles & Accessories
Fixtures and Fittings Calculator
With this price calculator you can calculate materials, labour, plant and tool for all your Fixtures & Fittings needs. You can set your own allowance for the materials or you can have the option of them being supplied by your client. If that is the case, you need only calculate the labour cost. This cost calculator includes several categories of Fixtures & fittings:
The Kitchen cost calculator has many different options:
✔ Base Units
✔ Wall Cabinets
✔ Larder Units
✔ Cabinet Doors
✔ End Panels & Drawers
✔ Worktops
✔ Plinths, Cornices and Pelmets
✔ Door Handles & Accessories